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Liuwa Plains, Zambia

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Recently Marc and Heiko, our directors, visited Liuwa Plains National Park in Western Zambia to witness the annual wildebeest migration. The best time to visit is in November, just before the rainy season starts to fill the vaste grass plains with water rendering access impossible.

Having visited this region on a regular basis, it was evident that the numbers of animals had increased and the measures taken by the Park to reduce poaching is definitely having a positive effect on the animal numbers in the Park.

An estimated 50 000 wildebeest were seen on these vaste plains as well as many hyena. The bird life was also spectacular with particular highlights being the numerous crowned and wattled cranes.

One of the highlights was the sighting of 3 lions, 2 female and 1 large male. Cheeta and wild dog tracks were also spotted, but the animals themselves remained hidden.

To be able to see this incredible part of Africa for yourself, be sure to enquire about our Hyena Safari which in 2013 is running from the 16th to 29th November. This safari only has 1 departure a year to catch the wildebeest migration, and is not to be missed!