
The Okavango Delta, located in the Northern part of Botswana, It is one of the world’s largest inland deltas spanning over 15,000 sq. km and is renowned for its unique ecosystem, diverse wildlife, and breathtaking landscapes. The delta never meets the ocean, instead, its crystal-clear waters vanish into the Kalahari Desert, creating a unique oasis teeming with wildlife. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, visitors are treated to sights of majestic elephants, prowling lions, leopards, vibrant bird species, and elusive African wild dogs. A journey to the Okavango offers an unparalleled wildlife experience, where nature flourishes amidst a pristine, untouched wilderness. It’s a must-visit destination for anyone seeking Africa’s raw beauty and tranquillity.

Plants and Animals

  • Herds of African elephants
  • The iconic big cats (lions, leopards and cheetahs)
  • African wild dogs
  • Herds of Cape Buffalos
  • Hippopotamus
  • Birds (African Fish Eagle, Malachite Kingfisher, Pel’s fishing owl, African skimmer)
  • Herds of giraffes
  • Flooded grasslands and papyrus swamps
  • Hardwood trees (African ebony, Kigelia – sausage tree, Delta Palm)

People and Culture

Living within the Okavango Delta are the BaYei, BaTawana people, and the River San, custodians of a rich cultural tapestry rooted in the rhythms of the delta. Traditions include the mokoro (dugout canoe) technique for fishing and transportation and foods such as tilapia, and the nourishing morama tuber. While Setswana is the dominant language, various local dialects can also be heard. Safari tours often highlight villages like Seronga, Gunotsoga and Gudigwa, offering a glimpse into the delta’s age-old traditions and vibrant daily life. Overall, the cultures of the people living in the Okavango Delta are deeply intertwined with the natural environment, characterized by a strong connection to the land, a reliance on traditional knowledge and practices, and a rich tapestry of languages, art forms, and rituals that reflect their diverse histories and ways of life.


The Okavango Delta offers a dynamic and ever-changing environment, making it a year-round destination with different attractions in each season. The choice of when to visit depends on personal preferences and the type of experiences one seeks, whether it’s concentrated wildlife viewing in the dry season or exploring the delta’s aquatic beauty during the wet season.

The Green Season: Rainy season November – March – Explore a labyrinth of Okavango channels, gliding on mokoro among vivid aquatic birds, and blooming aquatic plants in search of larger wildlife.

Dry season: April – October – Enjoy guided safaris on foot or by 4WD vehicles. Waters draw large herds of animals, such as elephants, giraffes, leopards and lions to the remaining water sources, making it an optimal time for game viewing.

Okavango Delta Victoria Falls Moremi Game Reserve Savuti Central Kalahari Game Reserve Makgadikgadi National Park Nxai Pan National Park


Renate Hiltl,

Vielen Dank für diesen wundervollen Trip! Kein Wunsch blieb offen. Herzlichen Dank an KG und sein…