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Sharing & Connecting Bush Ways Experiences – #JoinTheBushWaysClan

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Imagine a world where you would meet travelers from all over the globe, share with them an experience of a lifetime in a wilderness wonderland, come back home and even thousands of kilometers apart, you would remain forever connected.

A world where you would be able to reminisce over your adventures in this wilderness wonderland with people you have never seen or met but who have also enjoyed similar adventures, days or months or years apart.

A world where you would be able to share (almost) instantly with your loved ones the fantastic adventures you are experiencing even when continents and oceans stand between you and them.

Yes, you know what I am getting at: this is the world we now live in.

There was a time when you would be writing postcards and letters, with sketches of what you’ve seen, during your travels, and they would take longer than you to reach home.

There was a time when you had to wait at least for a week after coming back home to be able to see the shots you had taken. It would take even longer to see the shots of those who had traveled with you, if ever.

But today you text, you post, you tag, you upload, you tweet, you hashtag – and you’re instantly, and for as long as you wish, connected. During your trip, after your trip. Before your trip. With your friends, relatives, colleagues. With the people you’re going to travel with or travel to. With the ones that have traveled before you and those who will after you.

And you create a continuum. An infinity of connections and shares.

After 20 years of operation, and heading in strength towards at least 20 more, we see in it a fantastic opportunity to gather together our Bush Ways community.

We have created one hashtag for it: #JoinTheBushWaysClan and from now on encourage anyone posting pictures, videos, impressions of their Bush Ways Safaris, Lodges, Foundation experiences to include this hashtag to create a community of Bush Ways Experiences.

We receive on a regular basis so many feedbacks and snapshots. We thought it would be fantastic that these are not only directed at us, but connected to one other and spreading their cyber wings.

From now on, when commenting, posting pictures, videos, sharing memories, on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, add the hashtag #JoinTheBushWaysClan and join our ever-growing Bush Ways Family.