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Your First 2017 Date with Bush Ways

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I don’t know about you, but for us, there are three major highlights in our year: ITB, Indaba and BTTE. And you know why they are so dear to us? Because we get to catch up with you! Well, at least some of us do. We would love to all of us catch up with you, but I doubt any of these fairs would have grounds big enough to accommodate ALL of us… because there is a LOT of us… it takes quite a few sensational people to make a fantastic safari… but anyway, that’s another topic altogether, let me not get carried away.

So back to: YAY (exclamation points, happy smiley faces, hashtag life-is-an-eternal-rainbow), we love our trade fairs because we see YOU. And double YAY now: it’s almost ITB time!

But this year is extra special: this year Botswana is the official partner of ITB! So now, seriously, do you really think you can find an excuse to miss an opportunity to simultaneously see us AND celebrate our amazing destination? I don’t think so…

Then that’s a date, we’ll see you between 8 March and 12 March 2017, Berlin Messe Center, Hall 20 Stand 130. Don’t worry too much about what you’ll wear, all we will have eyes for are your beautiful smiles (and ears for your charming voices telling us how much you LOVE Bush Ways and that you will send us hundreds of guests this year – and next).

On that note, I strongly strongly STRONGLY (yes it deserves repetitions and capital letters) advise to make an appointment. You might think you’ll just drop by and say hi, but unless you haven’t noticed in previous years and at previous shows, you should know that our little (or not so little) marketing/sales elves can get pretty busy, and surely you wouldn’t want to miss catching up with them! (let me help you on that one: the answer is: no, you absolutely don’t want to miss listening to their enchanting voices, getting swept off your feet by their enticing rhetoric, and… well, I’m not going to spoil it for you).

Alright, so let me recap: you, us, Berlin, Botswana, … wait, I was going to forget the most important: email Caroline for your appointment, (and I spared you the capital letters on that one, because I have so, so much respect for you, but you know they’re there in spirit, and I trust you will do the right thing).