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Ditshiping gateway to the Delta

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Bush Ways Foundation

Bush Ways Foundation has always found it worthy to give back and this year it was to the people of the Ditshiping village in the Delta. Home to approximately 150 people this close-knit society has through the years found ways to sustain itself through its community Trust,by the provision of polers and guides fortourists that camp within the area.

As an eager and promising village, Ditshiping was overwhelmed by the clothes and shoes hampers that Bush Ways Foundation donated to them,  which were all part of the Pack For A Purpose initiative.This visit to Ditshiping was a joint venture, seeing a team from Samaritans Feet donate shoes to members of the community. The Chief of this village noted how the visit proved that they are not a forgotten people and recognised the Bush Ways Foundationforcreating awareness of how such a community drives the tourism industry in the Delta.