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Bush Ways’ first female guide

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The profession of a guide is still more or less known as a men’s world. You need to be strong, you have to read the behaviour of animals, you have to protect people – all qualities that are well known for men. But this is not completely true, women as well can do this job, we are now living in a very modern and advanced world where also ladies can become guides…

6 months ago, our very first female guide joined us. She is working at SANGO SAFARI CAMP in Khwai. Khwai is well known for its spectacular wildlife, from lions to elephants, to leopards and wild dogs almost every specie can be found here, even the rhino. And she does it, she shows our guests this wonderful wilderness out there. And she does it with pride! She loves her job to the fullest and this you can feel.

DK is a young lady and mommy to 3 beautiful girls. Her husband is guide as well and they both love the bush.
In 2005 DK joined the Birdlife Botswana as a member and from this moment on she wanted to become a professional guide. A female guide! And she is now working as a guide for already 10 years.
She really enjoys bird watching still and she is passionate about showing and sharing knowledge about fauna and flora and Botswana as a country.


She has been working in the Chobe area for the last 8 years until she decided to have a bit of a change and to come to Khwai but if you ask her about her favourite area in Botswana you will only get the answer that she loves every piece of Botswana and that its unique on its way. And now she is the first and only female guide in Khwai – quite special!

She is a very strong and powerful lady and to be honest you have to be in this still men’s ruled business. But she and we are very proud of what she has achieved already and we always hear this as feedback from our guests as well. Her colleagues really appreciate her and they do support her and encourage her with everything she does.

We are very proud to have such a strong and passionate lady on board and we hope to find many more.

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