Diary of a Bush Ways safari with guide Evans by Frank G.

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Tuesday March 13. Tucson Az
Daline is to join me for a trip to Botswana and an 8 day safari in the Okavango Delta, as
I have done twice before. I have been pining for a travel partner and one day about
three weeks ago I got an early morning phone call from Daline. Her first words were,
“Grandpa, I’ll travel to Africa with you”. (more…)

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Of Bushcamps and Bucket Lists

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It is with great pleasure to publish this wonderful article, written by one of our guests, Daphne Gernetzky, who was on a Fish Eagle Safari in August this year. Our Fish Eagle Adventure Camping Safari is the perfect way to experience the very best wildlife areas Botswana has to offer. Starting in Maun, the first stop is the North-Western side of the Delta, with 2 nights camping on a remote island. This safari will then explore the World renowned Moremi Game Reserve, the famous Savuti Area, the beautiful Chobe Riverfront Area and end with a night at a comfortable Lodge in Livingston and the possibility to visit the mighty Victoria Falls.


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Bush Ways’ Christmas Drive

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Christmas is fast approaching! Soon we will be surrounded by smiling friends and relatives, exciting presents and tasty delicacies, colourful dresses and sparkling glasses.

Before being ourselves blessed with so much warmth and profusion, we feel it is the perfect time of the year to think of all the people who are not as privileged as we are and make sure they can also experience a very special Christmas time. (more…)

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About Elephant

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Many years ago elephants did not have trunks. The baby elephant was known as a curious creature, his questions used to get him into a lot of trouble. He asked many animals what the crocodile eats for dinner. When no one could tell him he decided to search for a crocodile and find out for himself.


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