The hearty village of XouXao

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Bush Ways Foundation

 Situated near the edge of the Delta and home to approximately 150 people, the village of XouXao was formed in 1932 and is the oldest village in its area.

Bush Ways Foundation partnered with Samaritans Feet to give back to this village. Bush Ways operates in the area and wanted to give back to the community, in the form of some basic supplies. (more…)

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Bush Ways Foundation Raising Trauma Awareness

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Article published in the Ngami Times, October 2015, by Thuso Rammidi

“The recently hosted two-day trauma training workshop which was aimed at raising awareness and equipping participants and caregivers with essential skills needed in dealing with traumatized children and elderly within the community has been deemed a success by its organizers. (more…)

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Why Sango Safari Camp is Eco-Friendly

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Sango Safari Camp is located in one of the most unique Wildlife Areas in Botswana – on the banks of the Khwai River, close to the border of the Moremi Game Reserve. Developing and managing a Lodge in such a delicate area, remaining ‘green’ and reducing one’s carbon-footprint is of the utmost importance to us and the least we can do to contribute to the conservation of this incredible wilderness.


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The Eco Friendliness of Chobe Elephant Camp

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Chobe Elephant Camp is based in the semi-arid bush of Africa – overlooking the floodplains of the Chobe River. While developing the Lodge we had to address the challenge of extreme temperature variations of this area and how to combat this. Initially we planned to build Chobe Elephant Camp with the same Canvas material Sango Safari Camp is made of. However once we had experienced the extreme conditions we realised that this was not the ideal material to use.


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