Safari camp near beautiful grass field

Why Sango Safari Camp is Eco-Friendly

Sango Safari Camp is located in one of the most unique Wildlife Areas in Botswana – on the banks of the Khwai River, close to the border of the Moremi Game Reserve. Developing and managing a Lodge in such a delicate area, remaining ‘green’ and reducing one’s carbon-footprint is of the utmost importance to us and the least we can do to contribute to the conservation of this incredible wilderness.

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Guide holding food for guest

The Eco Friendliness of Chobe Elephant Camp

Chobe Elephant Camp is based in the semi-arid bush of Africa – overlooking the floodplains of the Chobe River. While developing the Lodge we had to address the challenge of extreme temperature variations of this area and how to combat this. Initially we planned to build Chobe Elephant Camp with the same Canvas material Sango Safari Camp is made of. However once we had experienced the extreme conditions we realised that this was not the ideal material to use.

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Safari vehicle in camp

A new Chapter for Bush Ways

After many years operating from our old base in the Hospital Road in Maun we finally reached the point of Expansion. Our facilities have now moved to our new, much larger, base just outside of Maun at the Matshwane industrial Side.

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Boat safari in botswana

Of Bushcamps and Bucket Lists

It is with great pleasure to publish this wonderful article, written by one of our guests, Daphne Gernetzky, who was on a Fish Eagle Safari in August this year. Our Fish Eagle Adventure Camping Safari is the perfect way to experience the very best wildlife areas Botswana has to offer. Starting in Maun, the first stop is the North-Western side of the Delta, with 2 nights camping on a remote island. This safari will then explore the World renowned Moremi Game Reserve, the famous Savuti Area, the beautiful Chobe Riverfront Area and end with a night at a comfortable Lodge in

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Garden in Botswana

From nuts and bolts to seeds and crops

It all began with Rean Lategan, one of our Technical managers, who worked for Bush Ways many years. All though at heart he always was a true Farmer and asked one day if Bush Ways would be interested in supporting him set up a vegetable Farm to supply our Safaris and Lodges.

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Bush Ways’ Christmas Drive

Christmas is fast approaching! Soon we will be surrounded by smiling friends and relatives, exciting presents and tasty delicacies, colourful dresses and sparkling glasses. Before being ourselves blessed with so much warmth and profusion, we feel it is the perfect time of the year to think of all the people who are not as privileged as we are and make sure they can also experience a very special Christmas time.

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Lion resting in meadows

Through the Eyes of a Safari Guide

A distant lion roar broke the rhythmic monotonous sound of a hippo munching grass near the campsite. I struggled up out of my sleeping bag to get my ear to the tent window, hoping they would roar again so I could estimate a direction and distance, we had been on Safari now for several days and had not yet managed to spot them.

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Tent inside forest

What is a Adventure Camping Safari?

So, let’s start where we left off in our last Bush Ways’ User guide post. You had opened our website homepage,, your mouse was on the main menu, the little arrow placed on top “Our Safaris”, and the words, “Adventure Camping”, “Premium Camping” and “Accommodated” had appeared.

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Lion walking in bushes

Entry Requirements: How to Make Sure Your Safari Doesn’t End Before It Begins

There are a few different matters you will need to look into while starting to plan a trip to Botswana. Visa requirements should be one of the first to enquire about as, depending on the agreements between your country of origin and Botswana, the visa application process may require some time. Botswana has however signed agreements with a certain number of countries whose nationals are therefore not required to obtain a visa to enter the country (see end of the article for the current lists).

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