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Safaris in the green or rainy season

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Generally one would say Botswana is known for its sunny clear skies almost all year round giving perfect sunset and sunrise views. However there are life giving summer rains marking the start of green season. After the rains, the landscape is left lush, green and beautiful.

Just a few things to mention that are special during such a season.

Photography – shots taken are within better colour contrasts of the green and ensures beautiful photos. The natural lighting is also much better as there’s no dust to haze the air. The fullness of the clouds too make for exceptional picture accentuation.

Fauna/Flora – wildlife and vegetation is more captivating during the green season. The vegetation colours the wilderness with a sense of life.

Temperature – less dusty, and much cooler at the start of the rainy season through green season.

Wildlife young – as most animals give birth at the start of raining season, green season becomes the perfect time to see young ones; watching them graze is such a delight. Due to the number of young ones, increase in predator activity becomes instinctive to hunt and make an easy kill. In addition to this, certain areas like Savuti, Nxai Pans, Liuwa plains and the Kalahari have their respective migrations so there is a good chance of seeing large herds. There are also fewer tourists around during this time of year so guests can enjoy sightings.

Birding – migratory birds start arriving by mid-September and by the start of the rainy season the birdlife is at its full splendour. If you are very lucky you might see the termites fly just before a rain storm starts. During this time hundreds or even thousands of birds can appear to catch the flying termites. It really is a fantastic sight! During this period birds are also often in most colourful plumage.

Camping – All our vehicles have removable Perspex windows for the game drive vehicles to keep the rain out while in the vehicle. Large rain tarpaulins are also included in our safari equipment to use if there is rain while in camp. During the rainy season campsites are often greener providing more shade and are also less dusty.
Just look at some of the examples here:

Lion safariLionessLion safariElephantsRhino Leopard safariLion Safarihill arearainbow